Key figures from 1st January to 31st December 2023:

  • Total annual crude oil production: 23.88 million barrels

  • Total annual natural gas production: 80.438 billion Standard Cubic Feet (SCF)

  • Quantities of crude oil exported on behalf of the State: 13.527 million barrels, at an average price of USD 79.464 per barrel

  • Quantities of natural gas supplied to the Kribi power plant for electricity generation: 10.050 billion SCF, sold at a weighted average price of 1 728.796 CFAF per thousand SCF

  • Quantities of domestic gas supplied to the local market: 34 669.377 metric tons, sold at a price of 383 371.85 CFAF per metric ton

  • Quantities of liquefied natural gas exported on behalf of the State: 18.733 billion SCF, which generated a revenue of USD 185.102 million

  • Transferable balance to the State after deduction of expenses: 562.560 billion CFAF

  • Other payments to the State: 16.7 billion CFAF in dividends, 16.611 billion CFAF in Corporate Income Tax and 7.958 billion CFAF in various other taxes.


 About the transfers made by SNH to the State 

In accordance with its mission, the National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH) transfers to the State revenues from the sale of hydrocarbons, after deduction of expenses.

When referring to transfers to the State, two terms are used: transferable balance and transferred balance.

The transferable balance is taken from the Table of Oil Operations, a forecast table of income and expenditure, which is updated at the beginning of each quarter.

An adjustment is made at the end of each quarter to take into account final payments.

Adjustments done in the 4th quarter of a given fiscal year are taken into account in the 1st quarter of the following fiscal year.

Based on this mechanism, there is necessarily either a windfall (too much transferred) or a shortfall (less transferred) charged to the following year.

The balance transferred corresponds to the amount that is effectively transferred during a given fiscal year. These transfers are recorded as revenue in the State Financial Operations Table (TOFE) under the heading "SNH Royalties".


Recap on production, sales and payments per fiscal year

2023 Summary table  (Pdf or Excel)

2022 Summary table  (Pdf or Excel)           2021 Summary table  (Pdf or Excel)           

2020 Summary table  (Pdf or Excel)          2019 Summary table  (Pdf or Excel)          

2018 Summary table  (Pdf or Excel)          2017 Summary table  (Pdf or Excel)

2016 Summary table                             2015 Summary table

2014 Summary table                             2013 Summary table

2012 Summary table                             2011 Summary table

2010 Summary table                             2009 Summary table

2008 Summary table                             2007 Summary table


Details accounts of SNH

Mandate of the state

Summary of financial statements

2021(General report)     2021(Summary)     2020      2019      2018       2017          2016     

2015           2014           2013

Certification reports

2021     2020      2019      2018       2017          2016           2015           2014           2013



Summary of financial statements

2022     2021(General report)      2021(Summary)    2020      2019        2018       2017        

2016       2015           2014           2013            

Certification reports

2022        2021      2020 (General report)           2020 (Special report)       

2019        2018       2017         2016           2015           2014           2013